Mysql – SQL dump loads with Error 1064


Looks like this issue is just the wrong version of MySQL, need to go to 5.5

So I have a backup of an offsite source SQL database. I am not sure how they are preforming the data dump but I am trying to find out. This database needs to be imported on the new computer. Every time I try to run the commands below I get the error (at the bottom of the post). I want to be able to load this data with out an error. What do I need to do to get the data to load correctly? So far none of the tables load at all from the dump.

mysql -u username -p database_name < file.sql

I get the error 1064. I also tried to load this in MySQL with

source \home\user\Desktop\test.sql;
  • MySQL v12.22 Distrib 4.0.26-nt-max, for Win32 (ia32)
  • Protocol
    version, 10
  • Client characterset, latin1
  • Server characterset, latin1
  • Windows XP SP3
  • InnoDB is coming up at the type in show create table tablename;

ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL version for the right syntax to use
near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1' at line 1

when trying to add a different table

ERROR 1074: Too big column length for column 'City' . Use BLOB instead

ok I kept messing with this, the following code works when I remove, DEFAULT CHATSET=latin1


Best Answer

In the commandline tool, use forwardslash, not backslash, for path delimiters:

source /home/user/Desktop/test.sql;