Mysql – Show difference between theSQL tables


I want to display difference between tables by returning the names in table 1 that are not in Table 2.

Table 1:

| id | campaign_id | nickname |
| 1  | 55          | name1    |
| 2  | 55          | name2    |
| 3  | 55          | name3    |
| 4  | 40          | name4    |
| 5  | 40          | name1    |

Table 2:

| id | book_id | name     |
| 1  | 55      | name1    |
| 2  | 55      | name2    |

Expected result:

| id | name  |
| 55 | name3 |
| 40 | name4 |
| 40 | name1 |

Sorry, my 2nd table has name instead of nickname so how I can use USING property?

Best Answer

Left join where there is no match on the left (IS NULL):

SELECT campaign_id as id, tbl1.nickname as name
FROM tbl1
LEFT JOIN tbl2 ON nickname=name

Alternately there is a MariaDB-10.3 syntax:

select version();
| version()                                   |
| :------------------------------------------ |
| 10.3.11-MariaDB-1:10.3.11+maria~stretch-log |
create table tbl1 (name varchar(20))
insert into tbl1 values ('n1'),('n2'),('n6')
create table tbl2 (name varchar(20))
insert into tbl2 values ('n1'),('n2'),('n12')
select name from tbl1 except select name from tbl2
| name |
| :--- |
| n6   |

db<>fiddle here