Mysql – Should the Redo log on a production MySQL server be configured to another location


Concerning the innoDB storage engine, should the innodb_log_group_home_dir option (The directory path to the InnoDB log files) be configured to another disk, other than the default directory, in order to separate the log I/O activity from the actual data files?

Are there advantages, like in other DBMS, to put the data directory on a RAID5 storage volume and the redo log on a RAID1?

Best Answer

Yes, that would be a good idea. I have mentioned a FaceBook Engineer's Blog about doing that, along with putting the DoubleWrite Buffer and Tablespace Files in other places, in my other posts

RAID5 ??? OMG, NO !!!!!

Please do not put anything InnoDB-related in RAID5

Since you will need the the redo logs only in the event of crash recovery, I would go with RAID10 SAS Drives for the redo logs because they are sequentially written files. I would shy away from RAID1 because you want full redundancy of disk in the event of a disk crash. RAID5 does plenty of parity checking which can inhibit sequential writes.