Database Design – Adding New Column vs New Table in MySQL


I have an existing table called exampletable1, now i have been given a new list of data called "medicines" it only have: male,female as its value. I'm having a problem whether to add another varchar column or to create another table and pass a foreign key to the exampletable1

Best Answer

The cardinality of 2 (male,female) is way too low.

Although you are using InnoDB and could have foreign keys, the parent table would have only two rows. It's not worth the processing power. Therefore, do not add another table. Indexing it is not worth it because a cardinality of 2 simply screams at the Query Optimizer "DO NOT USE THE INDEXES". Foreign Keys to a table with two values is not worth it.

Do not add a VARCHAR(1) because that is really two bytes.

There are four(4) options to use one byte

  • You could use CHAR(1) with 'M' and 'F' as the only values
  • You could use TINYINT with 0 for Male and 1 for Female
  • You could use TINYINT with 1 for Male and 0 for Female
  • You could use ENUM('M','F') (this might be two bytes)