Mysql – share a MySQL database among multiple users exclusively


This can be a silly/invalid question but I am going to ask it anyway. I want to setup a testing environment where many developers can run their functional test against a single common database.

Now, how can I ensure that the developers don't mess up with the test data when they run their test simultaneously? Is there a way to partition the db based on the user accessing it? Partitioning may be the wrong word here but I think you get what I mean.

Best Answer

Set up a DATABASE of the shared data. GRANT users only SELECT permissions. (And maybe a few other non-destructive privs.)

Set up another DATABASE for each user. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO user1_db.* ON 'user1'@...;

Then set up a way to initialize their db with a copy of the readonly copy. Perhaps it could be a Stored Proc. Or maybe a shell script.

Another approach is to set up a Docker instances, one per user. Again, there needs to be a script to initialize their data.


If each dev does not need to mess with the existing data, consider having a single DATABASE with permissions GRANTed at the TABLE level.