Mysql – Services don’t have MySQL Server. How to run it


I need to run MySQL Server on a new for me laptop. There's Windows 7. And MySQL have been installed on it. In order to verify this, I opened the Programs and Features window and saw it there:

Programs and Features screen

But when I go to the Services to run it, I don't find it. It's absent there:

Services screen

It's very strange for me. Why MySQL is not among the services? How can I run it? It's installed on this station. Any ideas?

Best Answer

You may have not installed MySQL using the wizard or skipped that part.

You have full installation instructions in order to add MySQL server as a Windows service on the reference manual, basically:

  • Ensure that MySQL is stopped (mysqladmin shutdown)
  • Install the server as a service (mysqld --install), optionally setting a name for it

More details on the aforementioned manual page.