Mysql – Selecting random rows from database initially while preserving that order later


I am building a quiz app, in which the student can login and can select the option of give exam. I want to show multiple choice questions to students randomly.

I stored all the questions in one table. For example, I stored 20 questions for a chemistry exam. Now I want to show 10 random questions to students. I don't want to select questions randomly every time when user refresh the page. Currently I am doing:

SELECT * from table-name order by rand() limit 5;

The problem is this query selects random rows every time the user refreshes the page. This is my code:

$query="SELECT * from question_bank order by rand() limit 10";
$result= mysqli_query($connection,$query);


<form action="result.php" name="form1" method="post" id="quiz">
while ($read_all_data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))

 echo $read_all_data['question']."</br>";
 echo "A:<input type ='radio' value ='a'  name='$id' >".$read_all_data['a']."</br>";
 echo "B:<input type ='radio' value ='b'  name='$id' >".$read_all_data['b']."</br>";
 echo "C:<input type ='radio' value ='c'  name='$id' >".$read_all_data['c']."</br>";
 echo "D:<input type ='radio' value ='d'  name='$id' >".$read_all_data['d']."</br>";


Best Answer

You'll want to hold an actual random number for each user then you can call


to generate your static random generator start point

the $usersrandomnumber acts as a starting seed

see the mysql documentation here:

it will involve you storing the user's seed in a table somewhere, or cookie /local/server storage but will get you what you're after