MySQL SELECT Rows Having Two Specific Values


I have a single table containing nothing but productID and colorID. There are 10,000 rows in the table.

I need to be able to select all productID having colorID 2 and colorID 5. For example:

productID colorID
1         1
2         9
3         2
4         2
3         6
3         5
1         5

Using this data set I am looking for productID 3, since it is the only productID that has colorID 2 AND colorID 5 (it also has colorID 6, but I don't care about that)

Using WHERE colorID=2 AND colorID=6 returns 0 rows.

Using WHERE colorID IN (2,6) returns values for products that do not have both colorID 2 and 6.

This seems like a simple thing to query, but I am finding myself up against a wall. What's the best way to accomplish this in a reasonably efficient way?

Best Answer

If what you want is to find ProductID that has both 2 and 6 values, try below query:

-- Assuming table is named #tmp

FROM #tmp a 
        COUNT(DISTINCT ColorID) AS cnt
    FROM #tmp
    WHERE ColorID IN (2, 6)
    GROUP BY ProductID
    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT ColorID) = 2) AS b ON a.ProductID = b.ProductID
WHERE a.ColorID IN (2, 6)