Select from SQL in phpMyAdmin – How to Guide


I have a database and want to select from mysql a result which could not succeed after one month please help me it would be really appreciated!

My Database Table looks like below and Name = Customer

Id  customer_id     customer_name       Date            Books_bought
1           1           Alex            08.06.2017      HarryPotter1 
2           1           Alex            08.06.2017      Harry Potter2
3           1           Alex            09.06.2017      PHP 7
4           2           Sam             10.06.2017      SQL 

I want to display the following:

  1. What books Alex bought on 08.06.2017 – Harry Potter1 and Harry Potter 2
  2. In another table row that Alex on 09.06.2017 bought only PHP 7
  3. In another table row another customer Sam on 10.06.2017 bought SQL

However, the result return all books for one customer Alex which has customer_id=1 and the reset users result are the same
My current html and php Table looks like below:

Id  customer_id    customer_name        Date            Books_bought

1           1           Alex            08.06.2017      HarryPotter1 
                                                        Harry Potter2
                                                        PHP 7
2          1            Alex            09.06.2017      HarryPotter1 
                                                        Harry Potter2
                                                        PHP 7

3          2            Sam             10.06.2017      HarryPotter1 
                                                        Harry Potter2
                                                        PHP 7

Best Answer

You seem to want to GROUP BY customer and date; and I guess that you want to concatenate the books.

This would do it:

     customer_id, customer_name, `Date`, 
     GROUP_CONCAT(`Books_bought` ORDER BY `Books_bought` SEPARATOR ', ') AS books
     customer_id, customer_name , `Date`
     `Date`, customer_id, customer_name ;

 customer_id | customer_name | Date       | books
 ----------: | :------------ | :--------- | :--------------------------
           1 | Alex          | 08.06.2017 | Harry Potter2, HarryPotter1
           1 | Alex          | 09.06.2017 | PHP 7
           2 | Sam           | 10.06.2017 | SQL


dbfiddle here