Mysql – Select data at row number in warning


When running show warnings in mysql, sometimes the results give a row number, such as "Warning | 1265 | Data truncated for column 'identifier' at row 12343".

I'm interested in doing something like:

select identifier from tablename where rownum = 12343  

but of course this fails because there is no column named rownum. The table does not have an auto_increment column. I tried:

alter table tablename add column rownum int auto_increment unique first

but when I ran the select query again, the result did not seem to match the warning (it was a 9-character value in a varchar(12) column).

What's the best way to see the data referenced by mysql warnings? In this question I'm not so much asking about why the error is occurring, but am asking about how to view the data that is triggering the warning.

Best Answer

LIMIT 12342,3 -- to get the row and the adjacent rows. No need to worry about the PRIMARY KEY, etc. the query will probably be in the right order.