MySQL – How to Select a Distinct Row


I have a MySQL table:

o_id | Salesperson |   fax   | Pincode  
1      Sandy         2110271   12011
2      Sandy         2452356   24523
3      Ricky         1023564   45510

I need to get the following result:

Salesperson |   fax   | Pincode  
Sandy         2452356   24523
Ricky         1023564   45510

(Note: I don't need o_id column to be displayed)

I have tried:

select distinct salesperson,faxno,pin 


select salesperson,faxno,pincode 
Group By (salesperson)

…but still I am getting:

Salesperson |   fax   | Pincode  
Sandy         2110271   12011
Ricky         1023564   45510

I have tried a lot of scenarios present on the web but still not able to achieve the expected result.

Is there any property or function that will give "Sandy" – whose o_id is max.


Select distinct sales, faxno, pincode 
from opportunity where o_id= max(o_id)

Although above code is not working, but anything like that can help?

Best Answer

The row:

Sandy         2452356   24523

is preferred because it has the largest o_id. You can pick the largest o_id per salesperson via:

select max(o_id), salesperson
from T 
group by salesperson

An important property of SQL is that it is closed, i.e. a result of a query is a relation (table). So we can simply join this with the original table:

select x.o_id, x.Salesperson, x.fax, x.Pincode
from T as x
join (
    select max(o_id) as o_id, salesperson
    from T
    group by salesperson
) as y
    on x.o_id = y.o_id
   and x.salesperson = y.salesperson

Even if question does not say so explicitly, there is reason to believe that salesperson is functionally dependent of o_id. If that is the case it is sufficient to join by o_id alone:

select x.o_id, x.Salesperson, x.fax, x.Pincode
from T as x
join (
    select max(o_id) as o_id, salesperson
    from T
    group by salesperson
) as y
    on x.o_id = y.o_id

In SQL2003, window functions were introduced. They are a perfect fit for this kind of query. I have heard the next version of MySQL will support them, but I guess you are not using that.

You also mention this construction:

select salesperson,faxno,pincode 
Group By salesperson

It is probably the construction in MySQL that causes the most confusion. It is invalid in most (all?) other products, because the result is non-deterministic or random. What happens is that MySQL randomly picks a faxno, pincode for each salesperson.