Mysql – Safe backup of PXC / Galera cluster


I have 3 nodes 'master master' cluster and using PXC 5.6

But I am only using a single node for both read and write.

Before using pxc, i was using standalone Mariadb 5.5 and I was taking backup using xtrabackup.

My question is, how should I take backup of PXC?
Should i take full and incremental backup for the node which is NOT used for read and write without any additional precautions just like i was taking for mariadb 5.5?

For e.g:
xtrabackup –backup –target-dir=/data/backup

Is there any officially recommended way to safely take backups of pxc?

I want to take backup so that if there is database corruption, I can start my cluster from scratch using that backup.

Best Answer

Here's another option:

mysql> SET GLOBAL wsrep_desync=1;
shell# <execute backup>
mysql> SET GLOBAL wsrep_desync=0;

Just make sure to take the backup from the non-write node and no traffic is going through the node that's running XtraBackup. Test first on non-production systems.