MySQL – Rolling Count of Total Transactions Over Time


I need to get a set of total transactions over time on a weekly interval. Essentially I need a total-transactions-to-date column. When I group by WEEK(Date) I get the amount of transactions for that week, but need to also get the transactions from any time before that week as well.

So let's say I have a table like this:

TransactionID  | Date
             1 | 8-04-2014
             2 | 8-05-2014
             3 | 8-18-2014
             4 | 8-18-2014
             5 | 8-20-2014

I want to have a select statement that would provide me with something like

TotalTransactionsToDate | Week | Year
                      2 |    1 | 2014
                      5 |    3 | 2014

I am using MySql 5.5.38

Best Answer

What you want is called the cumulative sum, you can do something like:

create table transactions (transactionid int, d date);
insert into transactions (transactionid, d) 
    values (1, '2014-08-04'),(2,'2014-08-05'), (3, '2014-08-18')
         , (4, '2014-08-18'), (5,'2014-08-20');

select x.y, x.w,  count(1) 
from ( 
   select distinct year(d) as y, week(d) as w 
   from transactions
) as x 
join transactions y 
    on year(y.d) < x.y
    or ( year(y.d) = x.y
     and week(y.d) <= x.w ) 
group by x.y, x.w;  

| y    | w    | count(1) |
| 2014 |   31 |        2 |
| 2014 |   33 |        5 |

I did not see your additional request for 2 2 for 2014. You can do that by replacing:

select distinct year(d) as y, week(d) as w 
from transactions 

...with an expression that creates the whole domain for weeks. It is often a good idea to create a calendar table that you can use to join against to get reports for missing values etc.