Mysql – Retrieving row ranking in a table


I'm aware there are already many questions alike however none of those answers helped me achieve row rankings in a table.

I have a table set up as so:

| HEX(UUID)                        | Username      | Rating |
| 0000F659C5854C9DB8BE8984FEC8CFD9 | Aidan8or_     |   1600 |
| 00022E3531F44C36AE058B3CF063C02F | rob160502     |   1600 |
| 000399B665D14979B3C0AF309112625F | HauntedCorpse |   1536 |
| 0003BAC2C0764C0C9FE20C4A3C701D7E | Glitchx0R     |   1234 |
| 000597056E564BF587DAA1D31E51E29F | jkz101022     |   455  |

What I would like to do here is select a single row with a ranking appended to it (1, 2, 3, 10, 100, …). If you haven't already guessed it, the rating is an ELO Rating therefore many scores are tied and I need to accommodate for that when creating leaderboards.

I've taken a look at this: Get the rank of a user in a score table and it had some really good answers but I just couldn't get any of them working correctly.

I've tried all those solutions and got close with this:

SELECT HEX(UUID) as UUID, Username, Rating, FIND_IN_SET( Rating, (    
  ORDER BY Rating DESC ) 
  FROM table_name )
  ) AS rank
  FROM table_name
WHERE Username = 'jkz101022'

however returns the ranking as 0.

Best Answer

You must evaluate everybody's rank and select the Username last

SET @rnk=0; SET @rank=0; SET @curscore=0;
SELECT score,Username,rank FROM
    SELECT AA.*,BB.Username,
    (@rnk:=@rnk+1) rnk,
    (@rank:=IF(@curscore=score,@rank,@rnk)) rank,
    (@curscore:=score) newscore
        SELECT * FROM
            SELECT COUNT(1) scorecount,rating score
            FROM mytable GROUP BY rating
        ) AAA
        ORDER BY score DESC
    ) AA LEFT JOIN scores BB USING (score)
) A WHERE Username='jkz101022';

If you want the original row, then do this

SET @rnk=0; SET @rank=0; SET @curscore=0;
SELECT HEX(B.UUID) as UUID,B.Username,B.Rating,A.rank FROM
    SELECT AA.*,BB.Username,
    (@rnk:=@rnk+1) rnk,
    (@rank:=IF(@curscore=score,@rank,@rnk)) rank,
    (@curscore:=score) newscore
        SELECT * FROM
            SELECT COUNT(1) scorecount,rating score
            FROM mytable GROUP BY rating
        ) AAA
        ORDER BY score DESC
    ) AA LEFT JOIN scores BB USING (score)
) A INNER JOIN mytable B USING (Username)
WHERE A.Username='jkz101022';

UPDATE 2014-08-25 16:57 EDT

I Fixed My Code

SET @rnk=0; SET @rank=0; SET @curscore=0;
SELECT HEX(B.UUID) as UUID,B.Username,B.Rating,A.rank FROM
    SELECT AA.*,BB.Username,
    (@rnk:=@rnk+1) rnk,
    (@rank:=IF(@curscore=rating,@rank,@rnk)) rank,
    (@curscore:=rating) newscore
        SELECT * FROM
            SELECT DISTINCT Rating score FROM survivalgamesstats
        ) AAA
        ORDER BY score DESC
    ) AA LEFT JOIN survivalgamesstats BB ON AA.score=BB.Rating
) A INNER JOIN survivalgamesstats B USING (Username)
WHERE A.Username='jkz101022';

I got this outout

mysql> SET @rnk=0; SET @rank=0; SET @curscore=0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT HEX(B.UUID) as UUID,B.Username,B.Rating,A.rank FROM
    -> (
    ->     SELECT AA.*,BB.Username,
    ->     (@rnk:=@rnk+1) rnk,
    ->     (@rank:=IF(@curscore=rating,@rank,@rnk)) rank,
    ->     (@curscore:=rating) newscore
    ->     FROM
    ->     (
    ->         SELECT * FROM
    ->         (
    ->             SELECT DISTINCT Rating score FROM survivalgamesstats
    ->         ) AAA
    ->         ORDER BY score DESC
    ->     ) AA LEFT JOIN survivalgamesstats BB ON AA.score=BB.Rating
    -> ) A INNER JOIN survivalgamesstats B USING (Username)
    -> WHERE A.Username='jkz101022';
| UUID                             | Username  | Rating | rank |
| 000597056E564BF587DAA1D31E51E29F | jkz101022 |   1600 |    2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


UPDATE 2014-08-25 17:15 EDT

I tried it with rob160502 and got this:

mysql> SET @rnk=0; SET @rank=0; SET @curscore=0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT HEX(B.UUID) as UUID,B.Username,B.Rating,A.rank FROM
    -> (
    ->     SELECT AA.*,BB.Username,
    ->     (@rnk:=@rnk+1) rnk,
    ->     (@rank:=IF(@curscore=rating,@rank,@rnk)) rank,
    ->     (@curscore:=rating) newscore
    ->     FROM
    ->     (
    ->         SELECT * FROM
    ->         (
    ->             SELECT DISTINCT Rating score FROM survivalgamesstats
    ->         ) AAA
    ->         ORDER BY score DESC
    ->     ) AA LEFT JOIN survivalgamesstats BB ON AA.score=BB.Rating
    -> ) A INNER JOIN survivalgamesstats B USING (Username)
    -> WHERE A.Username='rob160502';
| UUID                             | Username  | Rating | rank |
| 00022E3531F44C36AE058B3CF063C02F | rob160502 |   1650 |    1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


UPDATE 2014-08-25 17:38 EDT

I even tried HauntedCorpse and got this:

mysql> SET @rnk=0; SET @rank=0; SET @curscore=0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT HEX(B.UUID) as UUID,B.Username,B.Rating,A.rank FROM
    -> (
    ->     SELECT AA.*,BB.Username,
    ->     (@rnk:=@rnk+1) rnk,
    ->     (@rank:=IF(@curscore=rating,@rank,@rnk)) rank,
    ->     (@curscore:=rating) newscore
    ->     FROM
    ->     (
    ->         SELECT * FROM
    ->         (
    ->             SELECT DISTINCT Rating score FROM survivalgamesstats
    ->         ) AAA
    ->         ORDER BY score DESC
    ->     ) AA LEFT JOIN survivalgamesstats BB ON AA.score=BB.Rating
    -> ) A INNER JOIN survivalgamesstats B USING (Username)
    -> WHERE A.Username='HauntedCorpse';
| UUID                             | Username      | Rating | rank |
| 000399B665D14979B3C0AF309112625F | HauntedCorpse |   1536 |    5 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Give it a Try !!!

CAVEAT : Please note that the results come from your actual data in SQLFiddle. I simply loaded the data into a test database and ran my code against it.