Mysql – Replicate from master-master setup


I have MySQL Master-Master replication on 2 servers.

I want to replicate to another slave server.

When I configure the slave to replicate from master1, only data added on master1 is replicated. When I added a record on master2, the record is replicated to master1 but not replicated to the slave.

Any idea how to solve this?

  • m1
    • server_id = 1
    • log_slave_updates = OFF
  • m2
    • server_id = 23
    • log_slave_updates = OFF
  • s3
    • server_id = 21
    • log_slave_updates = OFF

Best Answer

The Problem

The server option log_slave_updates needs to be enabled on both m1 and m2

The Solution

Please add the following in /etc/my.cnf on both m1 and m2


then run this on both m1 and m2

service mysql restart

The Reason

Let's use your example above

  • m1 is Master of m2
  • m1 is Master of s3
  • m2 is Master of m1

Here is what happens when you run INSERT INTO mydb.mytable ... on m1

  • m2 executes INSERT
  • m2 records INSERT into the current binary log along with server_id=23
  • m1 retrieves INSERT from m2 via I/O Thread
  • m1 records INSERT via I/O Thread into lastest relay log
  • m1 retrieves INSERT from relay log via SQL Thread and examines its server_id
  • m1 sees that the server_id of the INSERT is 23 which is not the same as m1's server_id (1)
  • m1 executes INSERT

OK, all well and good. But, why doesn't s3 get to receive anything? Because log_slave_updates is not enabled, m1 does not save the INSERT and the original server_id posting the INSERT into its own binary logs.

If log_slave_updates was enabled on m1, now follow along your example and let's see what should happen:

  • m2 executes INSERT
  • m2 records INSERT into the current binary log along with server_id=23
  • m1 retrieves INSERT from m2 via I/O Thread
  • m1 records INSERT via I/O Thread into lastest relay log
  • m1 retrieves INSERT from relay log via SQL Thread and examines its server_id
  • m1 sees that the server_id of the INSERT is 23 which is not the same as m1's server_id (1)
  • m1 executes INSERT
  • m1 records INSERT into the current binary log along with server_id=23
  • s3 retrieves INSERT from m1 via I/O Thread
  • s3 records INSERT via I/O Thread into lastest relay log
  • s3 retrieves INSERT from relay log via SQL Thread and examines its server_id
  • s3 sees that the server_id of the INSERT is 23 which is not the same as s3's server_id (21)
  • s3 executes INSERT

This fully explains why s3 never sees anything from m2