Mysql – replicate data from one db to another db server using automated process


I have an scenario,
I have two DB server running on two different machines.
I have to build an automated process by which the data will replicate from one DB to another DB server on every insertion happens in first one.
My application using spring- hibernate and mysql DB.
I can go for DB side or spring-hibernate side approach.
Is it possible to do this with rabbitMQ?
I have an option to call automated process on each insertion or as a batch process or using queue.Some of the answers mention in the following link, but it is not clear to me
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Best Answer

Do not try to make it harder than it actually is. Replication mechanism build-in mySQL will be the best for that. There is a ton of tutorials in google, ex.:

Basically, You need master-slave configuration.