Mysql – Query To Show YTD Total Summing Each Month Prior To Current


I need a query to give a YTD total that should sum each month before it. For example, January YTD would equal January Total, February YTD would equal January Total + February Total, March YTD would equal January Total + February Total + March Total. My issue is that my query is showing the SUM() of the Total for all months.

This is DDL that illustrates my issue

Create Table empSales
    spendType varchar(100)
    ,spendAmt decimal(10,2)
    ,spendMonth varchar(100)

Insert Into `empSales` (`spendType`, `spendAmt`, `spendMonth` ) VALUES
('James', '1.00', 'January'),
('Richard', '3.28', 'January'),
('Barb', '4.13', 'January'),
('James', '3.00', 'February'),
('Richard', '3.28', 'February'),
('Barb', '4.13', 'February'),
('James', '2.00', 'March'),
('Richard', '5.28', 'March'),
('Barb', '7.13', 'March');

And this is the query I tried that only gives the overall total instead of just the YTD total I'm after

with MonthAgg as (
select IFNULL(spendType,'Total') spendType 
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='January' then spendAmt else null end ) January
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='February' then spendAmt else null end ) February 
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='March' then spendAmt else null end ) March
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='April' then spendAmt else null end ) April 
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='May' then spendAmt else null end ) May
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='June' then spendAmt else null end ) June
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='July' then spendAmt else null end ) July
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='August' then spendAmt else null end ) August 
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='September' then spendAmt else null end ) September
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='October' then spendAmt else null end ) October
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='November' then spendAmt else null end ) November 
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='December' then spendAmt else null end ) December
FROM empSales
, mycteSum as (
select spendMonth , Sum(spendAmt) Amt 
FROM empSales
GROUP BY spendMonth
,mycteYTD as (
select spendMonth , sum(Amt) Over(order by Cast(spendMonth+ ' 01, 1900' as date) ) YTD
from mycteSum)
Select * from MonthAgg
Select 'YTD' as summarySpend,
max(Case when spendMonth='January' then YTD else null end ) JanuaryYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='February' then YTD else null end ) FebruaryYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='March' then YTD else null end ) MarchYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='April' then YTD else null end ) AprilYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='May' then YTD else null end ) MayYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='June' then YTD else null end ) JuneYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='July' then YTD else null end ) JulyYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='August' then YTD else null end ) AugustYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='September' then YTD else null end ) SeptemberYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='October' then YTD else null end ) OctoberYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='November' then YTD else null end ) NovemberYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='December' then YTD else null end ) DecemberYTD 
from mycteYTD

Best Answer

It is always a bad idea to save Dates Month as rtext mysql really has issues with that

Your approach what very good, but i had a problem to get the right order

with MonthAgg as (
select IFNULL(spendType,'Total') spendType 
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='January' then spendAmt else null end ) January
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='February' then spendAmt else null end ) February 
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='March' then spendAmt else null end ) March
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='April' then spendAmt else null end ) April 
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='May' then spendAmt else null end ) May
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='June' then spendAmt else null end ) June
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='July' then spendAmt else null end ) July
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='August' then spendAmt else null end ) August 
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='September' then spendAmt else null end ) September
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='October' then spendAmt else null end ) October
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='November' then spendAmt else null end ) November 
, Sum(Case when spendMonth='December' then spendAmt else null end ) December
FROM empSales
, mycteSum as (
select DISTINCT spendMonth , Sum(spendAmt) Over(PARTITION by spendMonth  order by MONTH(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT("01.",spendMonth,".1990"),"%d.%M.%Y"))) Amt
FROM empSales
,mycteYTD as (
select spendMonth , sum(Amt) Over( ORDER BY MONTH(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT("01.",spendMonth,".1990"),"%d.%M.%Y")) 
from mycteSum)
Select * from MonthAgg
Select 'ytd' as summarySpend,
max(Case when spendMonth='January' then YTD else null end ) JanuaryYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='February' then YTD else null end ) FebruaryYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='March' then YTD else null end ) MarchYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='April' then YTD else null end ) AprilYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='May' then YTD else null end ) MayYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='June' then YTD else null end ) JuneYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='July' then YTD else null end ) JulyYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='August' then YTD else null end ) AugustYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='September' then YTD else null end ) SeptemberYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='October' then YTD else null end ) OctoberYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='November' then YTD else null end ) NovemberYTD 
, max(Case when spendMonth='December' then YTD else null end ) DecemberYTD 
from mycteYTD
spendType | January | February | March | April |  May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
:-------- | ------: | -------: | ----: | ----: | ---: | ---: | ---: | -----: | --------: | ------: | -------: | -------:
Barb      |    4.13 |     4.13 |  7.13 |  null | null | null | null |   null |      null |    null |     null |     null
James     |    1.00 |     3.00 |  2.00 |  null | null | null | null |   null |      null |    null |     null |     null
Richard   |    3.28 |     3.28 |  5.28 |  null | null | null | null |   null |      null |    null |     null |     null
Total     |    8.41 |    10.41 | 14.41 |  null | null | null | null |   null |      null |    null |     null |     null
ytd       |    8.41 |    18.82 | 24.82 |  null | null | null | null |   null |      null |    null |     null |     null

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