MySQL – Query for Transactions Per Second


For performance mornitoring, i would like to have a mysql query which gives the calculated output of TPS. I think tps= Com_commit + Com_rollback / second , but I don't know the query to calculate these formula in mysql. Same related question for TPS had been asked but query was not provided there, so why I ask here. Kindly show me how to calculate values from status in MySQL/MariaDB.

Best Answer

It's a bit clunky, but this should give you the tps since restart of MySQL:

SELECT  SUM(IF(variable_name IN ('Com_commit', 'Com_rollback'),
                   variable_value, 0)) /
        SUM(IF(variable_name = 'Uptime',
                   variable_value, 0))
    FROM  information_schema.GLOBAL_STATUS