MySQL Tuning – Proper Tuning for 30GB InnoDB Table on Server with 48GB RAM


I have a 30GB 15M rows InnoDB MySQL 5.5.15 table. It is running on a server with many other MyISAM tables (300GB db). The system has 48GB RAM. Besides the default configurations, I've changed the following values:

  • InnoDB buffer pool to 10GB
  • log file size 5M

Note that my key_buffer_size of MyISAM is 8GB and I'm also allowing Memcache to use 8GB, and have Redis installed (not sure how much he takes).

Are there any more values I should try to configure?

Best Answer

MyISAM Key Cache

You said you have key_buffer_size at 8GB.

Question: Do you really have 8GB of MyISAM indexes?

Please run this query

    KBS/power(1024,0) KBS_BB,
    KBS/power(1024,1) KBS_KB,
    KBS/power(1024,2) KBS_MB,
    KBS/power(1024,3) KBS_GB
    SELECT SUM(index_length) KBS
    FROM information_schema.tables
    WHERE engine='MyISAM' AND table_schema NOT IN
) A;

This will reveal how big your key_buffer_size would need to be IF ALL MYI PAGES WERE LOADED. To get a realistic picture run these please:

   FLOOR((A.variable_value * B.variable_value)/power(1024,2)+0.5) KBS_USED_IN_MB
   information_schema.global_variables A,
   information_schema.global_status B
   A.variable_name = 'key_cache_block_size' AND
   B.variable_name = 'Key_blocks_used'

This will give you how many MB (megabytes) the key_buffer_size is in use. You should round this up to the nearest GB.

Log File Size

5MB is the default size for innodb_log_file_size. Percona's gave two good articles on computing the right size for your particular MySQL instance:

Basically, the blog recommends measuring how many bytes are written to the InnoDB Log Files in one hour. This is what I run to figure that out

SET @TimeInterval = 3600;
SELECT variable_value INTO @num1 FROM information_schema.global_status
WHERE variable_name = 'Innodb_os_log_written';
SELECT SLEEP(@TimeInterval);
SELECT variable_value INTO @num2 FROM information_schema.global_status
WHERE variable_name = 'Innodb_os_log_written';
SET @ByteWrittenToLog = @num2 - @num1;
SET @KB_WL_HR = @ByteWrittenToLog / POWER(1024,1) * 3600 / @TimeInterval;
SET @MB_WL_HR = @ByteWrittenToLog / POWER(1024,2) * 3600 / @TimeInterval;
SET @GB_WL_HR = @ByteWrittenToLog / POWER(1024,3) * 3600 / @TimeInterval;

Whatever number comes back for @MB_WL_HR, take half of it and resize innodb_log_file_size to it : See my post How to safely change MySQL innodb variable 'innodb_log_file_size'?