Mysql – Primary key type change not reflected in foreign keys with MySQL Workbench


I have a problem with MySQL Workbench and primary/foreign keys.

I have some tables with PKs involved in relationship with other tables. If I modify the type of the PK, the type of the FK doesn't automatically update to reflect the change.

Is there any solution? Do I have to manually modify all the relations?

Best Answer

Actually cascade updates for data types are not supported by Workbench.

One workaround, is to define User Data Types, use those in your tables, and if necessary, update the User Data Type. That will generate the correct DDL.

I usually create User Data Types for PrimaryKeys, Name, Description, Money, etc.

In your case will not work, as you should do that before creating the tables. Now, if you must replace it in all your tables, do it for a User Type.

Other workaround for you will be to generate the database as is, go with the sugestion above, and then re-import the model to continue design.