MySQL – Possible INDEX on a VARCHAR Field


I am working in a MySql database, with a table like this:

|  table_name  |
|    myField   |

…and I need to make a lot of queries like this (with 5-10 strings in the list):

SELECT myField FROM table_name
WHERE myField IN ('something', 'other stuff', 'some other a bit longer'...)

There will be around 24.000.000 unique rows

1) Should I use a FULLTEXT or and INDEX key for my VARCHAR(150)?
2) If I increase the chars from 150 to 220 or 250… would it make a great difference? (Is there any way to calculate it?)
3) As I said, they are going to be unique, so myField should be a PRIMARY KEY. Isn't it rare to add a PRIMARY KEY to a field which is already a VARCHAR INDEX/FULLTEXT?

Best Answer

SUGGESTION #1 : Standard Indexing

    id int not null auto_increment,
    myfield varchar(255) not null,
    primary key (id),
    key (myfield)

If you index like this, you can either look for the whole string or do left-oriented LIKE searches


    id int not null auto_increment,
    myfield varchar(255) not null,
    primary key (id),
    fulltext (myfield)

You can effectively use searches for individual keywords as well as whole phrases. You will need to define a custom stopword list because MySQL will not index 543 words.

Here are my other posts from the past two years on FULLTEXT indexes

SUGGESTION #3 : Hash Indexing

    id int not null auto_increment,
    myfield varchar(255) not null,
    hashmyfield char(32) not null,
    primary key (id),
    key (hashmyfield)

If you are looking for one specific value and those values could be lengths well beyond 32 characters, you could store the hash value:

INSERT INTO mytable (myfield,hashmyfield)
VALUES ('whatever',MD5('whatever'));

That way, you just search for hash values to retrieve results

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE hashmyfield = MD5('whatever');

Give it a Try !!!