Mysql – Percona Server – binlog not automatically purge with thesqladmin flush-logs


I have a little problem and I need your help please. Here is the story : I have Percona Server in version 8.0.13 with one slave and the old binlogs on master are not deleted automatically when flush-logs appending.
Variables are set as :

# mysql -e"select @@expire_logs_days, @@binlog_expire_logs_seconds"
| @@expire_logs_days | @@binlog_expire_logs_seconds |
|                  0 |                        86400 |

I have logrotate which execute mysqladmin flush-logs every night and binlogs are correctly rotated but old ones are not removed. When I execute this command manually the behaviour is the same.

In MySQL CLI the command PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE datetime works fine.

The slave replication is up to date or a little bit late but not more than a couple hour. So it can't be explain why old binlogs are still present on disks (some are 7 days old by example)

I also execute lsof to check if MySQL retain descriptor on old binlogs but no. I have no more idea to explain the problem.

Do you have any ideas to explain and fix this please ?


Best Answer

Please note Paragraphs 2,3 in the MySQL Documentation for binlog_expire_logs_seconds:

The default binary log expiration period is 2592000 seconds, which equals 30 days (30*24*60*60 seconds). The default applies if neither binlog_expire_logs_seconds nor the deprecated system variable expire_logs_days has a value set at startup. If a non-zero value for one of the variables binlog_expire_logs_seconds or expire_logs_days is set at startup, this value is used as the binary log expiration period. If a non-zero value for both of those variables is set at startup, the value for binlog_expire_logs_seconds is used as the binary log expiration period, and the value for expire_logs_days is ignored with a warning message.

To disable automatic purging of the binary log, specify a value of 0 explicitly for binlog_expire_logs_seconds, and do not specify a value for expire_logs_days. For compatibility with earlier releases, automatic purging is also disabled if you specify a value of 0 explicitly for expire_logs_days and do not specify a value for binlog_expire_logs_seconds. In that case, the default for binlog_expire_logs_seconds is not applied.

Please review your my.cnf

If you have this line in the my.cnf

expire_logs_days = 0

change it to

expire_logs_days = 1

Then go execute

mysql> SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days = 1;

This will cause a new thread to be opened with the new setting.

It's OK to have

expire_logs_days = 1
binlog_expire_logs_seconds = 86400

because the documentation says when both are set, binlog_expire_logs_seconds will take precedence and a simple warning is posted for expire_logs_days.

As a last resort, please restart mysql

service mysql restart

If you still have a problem after doing this, then I would suspect a bug.