Mysql – OR Operation in JOINS SQL(MYSQL)


I am using MYSQL

SELECT  m.proposalId, m.title, n.stageNumber, n.committeeId, n.modifiedDate,
        o.msNumber , o.description,o.ics,o.edition
    FROM  mystands_Proposal m
    INNER join  mystands_ProjectLifecycle n on m.proposalId = n.proposalId
    INNER join  mystands_Project o          on m.proposalId = o.proposalId
    WHERE  n.newState=0
      AND  n.committeeId=79827
      AND  (n.assignedTo=29913 OR  n.actionBy=29913 )
      AND  n.proposalId LIKE '%sdas%'
      AND  o.projectNumber LIKE '%sdass%'
      AND  n.stageNumber=40.92
      AND  o.category=1
      AND  o.degreeofCorrespondence=1
      AND  o.msNumber LIKE '%sdas%'
      AND  (n.modifiedDate <='2015-05-15' AND  n.stageNumber=40.2 )
      AND  (n.modifiedDate <='2015-05-07' AND  n.stageNumber=30.99 )
      AND  (n.modifiedDate <='2015-05-27' AND  n.stageNumber=55.99 )

I am doing inner joins for three tables for search functionality and in java if the user enters the values then I am appending the value to the sql query on the fly. The above code is working fine for AND operations between fields.

How do I perform "OR" operation for the fields entered by the user and display the result. I have tried this:

SELECT m.proposalId, m.title, n.stageNumber, n.committeeId, n.modifiedDate, o.msNumber , o.description,o.ics,o.edition FROM mystands_Proposal m 
INNER join  
    mystands_ProjectLifecycle n on m.proposalId = n.proposalId 
INNER join
    mystands_Project o on m.proposalId = o.proposalId  
WHERE n.newState=0
      OR  n.committeeId=80246
      OR  (n.assignedTo=79977
              OR  n.actionBy=79977
      OR  n.proposalId LIKE '%ads%'
      OR  o.projectNumber LIKE '%sds%'
      OR  n.stageNumber=30.99
      OR  o.category=1
      OR  o.degreeofCorrespondence=1
      OR  o.msNumber LIKE '%sadsa%'
      OR  (n.modifiedDate <='2015-05-22'
              AND  n.stageNumber=40.2
      OR  (n.modifiedDate <='2015-05-22'
              AND  n.stageNumber=30.99
      OR  (n.modifiedDate <='2015-05-29'
              AND  n.stageNumber=55.99

Now what is happening is it is giving me the results of the inner joins because newState=0 is true and entire where condition is getting true and I am getting the results of inner joins on three table and the result is not being filtered as desired.

Can you please help where am going wrong? Thanks.

Best Answer

If n.newState=0 is always true then just remove it from your where statement.

or if everything you want to return needs to have that true then just change your first OR to a AND. Then it will check to make sure that it is true and one other thing in your where statement is also true.

WHERE n.newState=0 AND ([all your other OR conditions])