Mysql – ny way to force MySQL use Hash Join instead of Nested Loop Join


According to the document MySQL Explain Output format, MySQL resolves all joins using a nested-loop join method. Is there any way to force MySQL to use a hash join?

Best Answer

Up to the (recently released) 5.6 version, no, you can't. Unfortunately, the only method that the optimizer knows is nested-loop method. As the 5.6 documentation says:

MySQL resolves all joins using a nested-loop join method.

In other words, no hash join algorith or variation has been implemented, not even in version 5.7 - although that is still in development (hope never dies).

There is one alternative. MariaDB, a MySQL fork has implemented various other join methods in the latest (5.3 and 5.5) releases which can be drop-in replacements of MySQL (5.1 and 5.5 respectively) versions.

In their Block-Based Join Algorithms page, they describe the new methods:

In the versions of MariaDB/MySQL before 5.3 only one block-based join algorithm was implemented: the Block Nested Loops (BNL) join algorithm. It could only be used for inner joins. MariaDB 5.3 (and later) enhances the implementation of BNL joins and provides a variety of block-based join algorithms that can be used for inner joins, outer joins, and semi-joins. Block-based join algorithms in MariaDB employ a join buffer to accumulate records of the first join operand before they start looking for matches in the second join operand.

This page documents the various block-based join algorithms.

  • Block Nested Loop (BNL) join
  • Block Nested Loop Hash (BNLH) join
  • Block Index join known as Batch Key Access (BKA) join
  • Block Index Hash join known as Batch Key Access Hash (BKAH) join

There are also some optimizer switches that affect which algorithms will be considered when optimizing a query.