MySQL 5.6 on Amazon RDS – New Users Not Working


I'm using the CREATE USER and GRANT commands as mentioned here

When I try to connect I get this in MySQL Quer Browser:

Could not connect to host ''.
MySQL Error Nr. 0

Output in MySQL Workbench:

Your connection attempt failed for user 'site' from your host to server at
  MySQL server has gone away

Some details:

  • MySQL version: 5.6.13

  • Credentials are typed correctly. When I miss them I get the standard 1045 access denied error.

  • The user created with the instance and another limited user I created some weeks ago are working fine

  • Same commands worked fine on a non RDS server

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I forgot that I had created a stored procedure to set the time zone after every connection made.

Looking at the server log I found that the problem was that the new users didn't have permission to execute it.