MySQL – Nested Cursors Problem with FETCH


I have the problem with my nested cursors in MySQL.

My second cursor only advances 1 single record of the first courses and then shows me message indicating. Below is a sample of the response from my Mysql Workbeanch.

OPEN queryLegalArticleSource;
    queryLegalArticleSource_LOOP : LOOP
        -- PARSED VARS
        FETCH queryLegalArticleSource INTO configTypeArticleTypeTwo;  
        -- ************************************
        -- VALIDATE PROCESS noMoreRows
        -- ************************************
        IF noMoreRowsTwo = 1 THEN
            CLOSE queryLegalArticleSource;
            LEAVE queryLegalArticleSource_LOOP;
        END IF;                        
        SELECT legalBodyId, companyIdSource, configTypeArticleTypeTwo, noMoreRowsTwo;
    END LOOP queryLegalArticleSource_LOOP;     
CLOSE queryLegalArticleSource;

My response

If I comment the FETCH line

-- FETCH queryLegalArticleSource INTO configTypeArticleTypeTwo;  

Get all the results, but I do not have the variable I need.

enter image description here

Check if any cursor was closing it before, but apparently I have everything right.

Does anyone have any idea?

Best Answer

You are trying to close the cursor after it is already closed. If no more rows=1 is true, it closes the cursor. Then exists the loop. Then tries to close the cursor again.