Mysql – Need advises for a new MySQL architecture


I need to deploy a MySQL-based application with the following requirements and would love to receive some guidance (any) as to how I could set things up:

  1. Scale of deployment

    5 servers with a latency of 200-400ms between them.

  2. Database content/structure

    Running InnoDB. 1GB of data split across 50 tables which are categorized as follows:

    -user tables: about 200MB across 10 tables which store information on users (e.g. user, user_favorites, user_votes…).
    content tables: about 800MB across 40 tables which store information about everything else (these tables don't have any relationships with the user tables).

  3. Content creation/access

    -user tables: each server should have READ-WRITE access to these tables. The frequency of writes depends on users' activity on the website (e.g. people creating account, updating it, voting and/or putting items in favorites…).

    -content tables: each server should have READ ONLY access to these tables which would be updated once a week when the webmaster updates the website's content (and on some occasions maybe on a daily basis to perform urgent content updates).

And here is the setup I've come up with so far:

  • each server would have its own local copy of the database for READ-ONLY access.
  • WRITE queries for user tables would be forwarded to 1 MASTER server using MySQL splitting techniques.
  • WRITE queries for content tables would be performed directly on the MASTER server.
  • The MASTER server would be replicated to the other servers operating as SLAVES.

And here are my questions:

Q1: Do you see anything fundamentally wrong with my setup / can you recommend something better?

Q2: What tool would you use to split READ and WRITE queries?

Q3: WRITE queries for user tables are going to be delayed because of the latency of writing to the MASTER: is there anything that can be done to mitigate that?

Best Answer

This sounds like a good use case for Galera.

You could also use something like this: Each server is a master for it's copy of the user table (I assume the user table is sharded?). Then there could be a central server with MariaDB or MySQL + Tungsten Replicator which is a slave of all the other servers.

And then you could create another master (extra instance on one of the servers?) which hosts the master copy of the content tables.

CM = Content Master U = User Master UC = User Combined

Server 1: CM + UC (2 Instances) Server 2-5: U

For the content tables (1 master, 4 slaves): CM -> U1 -> U2 -> U3 -> U4

For the user tables (4 masters, 1 fan-in slave): U1 -> UC U2 -> U3 -> U4 ->

Galera and MySQL Cluster provide synchronous cluster where you can write to any server. MySQL Cluster needs 2 data nodes and 2 SQL nodes as a minimal setup (the mgmt node can be combined with a SQL node). MySQL Cluster does not use InnoDB or MyISAM. Galera needs 3 nodes and does support InnoDB.

Investigate Galera, Tungsten (and MySQL Cluster aka NDB?).

Read MySQL High Availability (O'Reilly).