Mysql – Myloader command: Table doesn’t exist


I took the backup of mysql database using mydumper command:

mydumper -B mydb -o /backup/oct3 -s 500000 -c -m -S /tmp/mysql.sock -u
root -p password@123 -v 3

Now, I am restoring mysql database backup with the myloader command:

myloader -d /backup/oct3 -S /tmp/mysql.sock -u root -p password@123 -v


CRITICAL **: Error restoring mydb.tabe1 from file mydb.table1.sql.gz:
Table 'mydb.table1' doesn't exist
** Message: Thread 2 shutting down

I believe the table should be created while restoring the database.

But I could not figure out what I missed. The mydumper version is 0.6.2.

My.cnf file:

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2308M
innodb_data_home_dir = /database
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:1G;ibdata2:1G;
innodb_log_files_in_group = 3
innodb_file_per_table = 0

The dumped .gz files are from MySQL 5.5 and I am restoring to MySQL 5.6.

Does it matter of version incompatibility?

Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer

problem is you backed up your databases using mydumper with -m or --no-schemas option, so the database create commands were not backed up.

So on restore you are not able to re-create the database tables prior to myloader reimporting data.