Mysql – Multiple left joins with common fields are overwritten



transactions t

transaction_type transaction_name
sale one
sale two

sales s

name amount
one 10.0
two 5.0

purchases p

name amount


transaction_type transaction_name amount
sale one 10.0
sale two 5.0


select t.transaction_type, t.transaction_name, s.amount, p.amount
from transactions t
left join sales s on t.transaction_type='sale' and
left join purchases p on t.transaction_type='purchase' and


transaction_type transaction_name amount
sale one null
sale two null

I understand that the outer join of the purchases is overwriting the amounts from the sales because of the common field, but what is the best approach in this case?

Note that there will be more tables to join like this. This is mysql in case it makes a difference, the query has been paraphrased and there is an orm wrapper.

I know I can do it with separate queries, inner joins and unions, is that best? I was hoping to do it in one query.


Best Answer

You can use Coalesce to show s.amount or p.amount which one is not null:


select t.transaction_type, t.transaction_name, coalesce( s.amount, p.amount) Amount
from transactions t
left join sales s on t.transaction_type='sale' and
left join purchases p on t.transaction_type='purchase' and

create schema:

create table transactions(transaction_type  varchar(30),transaction_name varchar(30));
insert into transactions values('sale','one');
insert into transactions values('sale','two');
insert into transactions values('purchase','two');

create table sales (name    varchar(30), amount float);
insert into sales values('one', 10.0);
insert into sales values('two', 5.0);

create table purchases (name    varchar(30),amount float);
insert into purchases values('two', 7.0);

Check the db-fiddle link: