Mysql – Migrating MySQL 5.0 to 5.5 – simple databases


I have a LAMP server on my LAN running a very old version of RedHat with MySQL 5.0, and I'm trying to migrate it to Ubuntu 12.04 to update it.

I know the advice is to migrate MySQL 5.0 to 5.1 then 5.2, and so on. However, there are no triggers or stored procedures in these databases, just simple MyISAM and InnoDB tables and indexes.

Can anyone tell me what if I can just export the databases in 5.0 from the RedHat server using phpMyAdmin, and then import them into 5.5 on Ubuntu?

The data is mainly used by PHP to build dynamic web pages.

Best Answer

  1. Make full back (preferably mysqldump)

  2. Follow official guide :

and also this one