MySQL/Snowflake – Merge Multiple Rows and Set Column Based on Value


I have some data that looks something like this:

key B
1   true
1   false
2   false
2   false

And I want to roll it up so that if column B has two false values then the resulting value for B is false; otherwise, if there is a true and false value the value for B is true. Like this:

key B
1   true
2   false

Is there a way that this can be done with (Snowflake) SQL? I first thought of a pivot table but this doesn't quite seem to be what pivots do.

Best Answer

According to your text if any of them are true is must be true, otherwise is false:

      when sum(case when B is true then 1 else 0 end) > 0 then true
      else false
    end as result
group by

db<>fiddle here