MariaDB 10.2/MySQL 5.7 Index Condition Pushdown on Partitioned Tables


In MySQL 5.7.3 index condition pushdown is also working on partitioned tables as stated here

Previously, index condition pushdown was not supported for partitioned tables. This limitation was removed in MySQL 5.7.3.

Can't find any information about MariaDB 10.2. I know it is in RC stage but maybe somebody knows about it.

In 10.1 without partitioning:
Extra: Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort

In 10.1 with partitioning on:
Extra: Using where; Using filesort


Best Answer

Support for ICP on partitioned tables was added on this MySQL commit:

You can check reliably if there is support for in a particular version of MySQL or MariaDB by running the corresponding test.

I do not see such code backported on MariaDB's 10.2-tagged git nor on the offered source downloads.

However, the code doesn't look like insanely crazy, so I would suggest to file a ticket on MariaDB's Jira and ask to backport it. I have searched it briefly and failed to see a similar request. I am a heavy MariaDB and partitioning user and that would be indeed a nice feature to have.