Mysql – Lost tables in Drupal site database


I have Drupal site on my local server build using pressflow

I had problems with the xammp 1.7.4 server, so I delete everything except mysql and htdocs folders.

I installed the server again, but the drupal site didn't work again.

There are 186 tables in my Drupal database, but phpmyadmin shows only 119 InnoDB tables

The rest of the tables are MyISAM, but they didn't show in phpmyadmin and it looks like Drupal can't find them too

I don't know where is the actual problem and how to fix it. Help me please.

Best Answer

You may need to check out the configuration of InnoDB.

You can start by running

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_innodb';

These will indicate whether or not InnoDB is running properly.

If InnoDB is disabled, it is more than likely that the log files need to be recreated.

As long as you keep ibdata, delete ib_logfile0, delete ib_logfile1, and set innodb_log_file_size to 170M in my.ini, you should be able to start mysql and have mysql rebuild new ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile0 to 170M each as suggested by the article you mentioned in the chat room.