Mysql – Logical schema development and migration tool for different physical schema available including triggers and stored procedures


We are planning to support for our application another rdbms (oracle).

At the moment we are design our database schema with the MySQL-Workbench. For every new database version we have

  • schema er-diagram
  • a full schema sql script (create table.., create index…, create trigger…, …)
  • and a migrate sql script (alter table…., drop index, create index…, …)
  • and finally a data file which all in it (*.mwb file)

We use table, index, stored routines, views and triggers. We want a tool, where we can design the table, relations, views, triggers and routines and export a full schema sql script for different rdbms and an migration sql skipt to upgrade a database for different rdbms.

Now my question. Is the any tool available, which is able to do the above stuff for both MySQL and Oracle?

I look at AnySQL Maestro, Navicat Premion, Altova DatabaseSpy but all loose information (mostly the triggers). I found also this wikipage, but i can't figure out, which have the feature we need.

EDIT: clarification:

Atilla Ozgur (see his answer) is right. A want a tool whit a logical model including triggers and procedure and which is able to export all the things (especially triggers and routines) to different (at the moment MySQL and Oracle) physical models. The export should be done by sql scripts.

Best Answer

Last time I have used it (but that's a long time ago) Sybase PowerDesigner was able to handle triggers and procedures for all supported DBMS.

Looking at the current manuals, that still seems to be the case.

Although I don't see MySQL mentioned there.