Joining Two Rows into Single Row with Multiple Columns in MySQL


Is there any way to JOIN two rows from a single table to a single row, based on two columns.

I built a scrappy little data base for my business, and I finally ran into a situation where I thought I had built in the necessary extensibility. Unfortunately, I found out pretty fast that I can't use the JOIN as I was before now that I need to join info from two columns to a single row (previously, I was only joining on one column).

Here is what I have:

| Name |    ID   |    ID_2 |   
|----- |---------| --------|   
| Jake |    a    |    b    |   
| Jane |    b    |    c    |  
| John |    c    |    NULL |

ID   | Info
a    |  1
b    |  3
c    |  5

And here is what I'm looking for:

Name | Info_1  |    Info_2
Jake |    1    |    3    
Jane |    3    |    5
John |    5    |    NULL

Or, better yet, this:

Name | Info_Sum
Jake |    4    
Jane |    8    
John |    5    

Best Answer

You Simply have to do a Two JOINs on the same Table

SELECT, AS info_1, AS info_2
FROM names n
LEFT JOIN info i1 ON i1.ID = n.ID
LEFT JOIN info i2 ON i2.ID = n.ID_2

Just like here!9/9f703e/1/0

For the Summed one, You have to use COLEACES to calculate the NULL values like the following

FROM names n
LEFT JOIN info i1 ON i1.ID = n.ID
LEFT JOIN info i2 ON i2.ID = n.ID_2

Just like here!9/9f703e/3/0

In your next question I hope if you create the Table in SQLFiddle or dbfiddle and share it Or put the CREATE code so we can built the Table quickly to provide faster answers.