Is it Safe to Run MySQLTuner on Production Server?


Can i run mysqltuner directly on a production server ? It’s will slowdown my server or install some packages ? My users will be affected ?

Best Answer

Most monitoring services have small enough impact that they can (and should) be run on production servers.

  • mysqltuner -- once in a while. (Tuning is not something that needs repeating very often.)
  • SHOW GLOBAL STATUS -- periodically. (Some services use this to build graphs.)
  • Have the slowlog turned on (continually) even with a low, but non-zero, long_query_time. (This is my favorite tool for getting useful clues about performance problems.)
  • performance_schema (early versions had a noticeable impact)
  • But not the general log -- This is likely to fill up the disk too fast. When necessary, use it only briefly.

Here's what I request: It includes

  • one-time SHOW VARIABLES and SHOW GLOBAL STATUS, then run that against about 200 checks.
  • one-time slowlog digest (after it has been running at least a day) -- followed by an analysis of the "worst" queries. This often leads to improving the indexes and/or re-formulating some queries. It may even lead to architectural changes to get away from problematical design patterns.