MySQL Aurora – Is It Possible to Commit a Transaction Waiting to Rollback


I'm using Aurora MySql 5.6.10a and a query that was loading a table with 700 million rows crashed and now it's rolling back. I turned autocommit off to try to speed the data load up, but now it's giving me a huge headache.

When i run SELECT * FROM `information_schema`.`innodb_trx` ORDER BY `trx_started`; it returns the following:

3175241 ROLLING BACK    0000-00-00 00:00:00         335482132
3098119 RUNNING         0000-00-00 00:00:00         441106325

Is it possible to revert this rollback and commit those changes? At least, can I commit the running query?

Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

The ROLLBACK must finish in order to get the database back to a table state.

(Without knowing the details of the load, I cannot advise on autocommit.)