MySQL WordPress – Is It Normal for WordPress Database to Crash Multiple Times in a Month?


I just started a new job at a small magazine as an IT guy. It all worked fine, but I'm worried about some issues with our VPS installation.

Since I started working here (26 days ago), our WordPress' databases crashed more than once. When I check with our host, they tell me about possible server overload. I am not convinced.

Actually, it did just happen again, even though we are experiencing one of those slow-news days, and about 30 people were on the site when the crash occurred.

To be honest, I worked a lot with WordPress and this never happened to me, let alone at this frequency. My colleagues told me that this is how things were always going.

Is this normal? Should we be looking for another contractor?

EDIT — some technical details on our setup

The technical details are a bit problematic: the company hired a third-party contractor to manage all the hosting stuff. Those guys refuse to cooperate with me, resisting even giving me information I requested and proper access to log files.

But what I know is that it's a VPS running under Ubuntu with NginX and MySQL (no details on the versions used.).

When I asked for log files related to the last crash, I got a long list of this :

160226 12:56:35 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table '<table_name>' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
160226 12:56:35 [Warning] Checking table:   '<table_name>'

Best Answer

Don't ever use MyISAM. Ever. Under any circumstances. Just don't. If you need its performance characteristics for some reason, use MariaDB with Aria tables.

MyISAM is not crash safe, and will corrupt data when it breaks.

Also, my webserver with WordPress has over 5k posts and has never crashed its db.

This is not normal behavior.