Mysql – Innodb mutex locking ?!? Inserts start stacking after 18-24hours, restart required


We have a fairly high end box running mysqld 5.5.20.

The cpu configuration is dual quad core xeons.

It has 32 gb ram.

It has a quad intel ssd configuration running raid 0+1.

On a fairly busy service what starts to happen is that after about 18 to 24 hours of being up, once in a while, every few hours, there will be a 1min period where ALL inserts will start stacking. The strange thing is that using mytop even memory table inserts / updates are shown as executing for 'many' seconds.

More ofen then not even without a restart it will return to normal…. only to do it again.

A restart always fixed the issue, for another 18 to 24 hours.

All munins look ok.


Best Answer

Similar to my problem if you have the performance_schema enabled, solved after the upgrade of MySql server version.

Starting from 5.5.16 to 5.5.22 is affected by a deadlock. No queries can be run when it happens: Bug 13898343 - THREAD LOOPS ENDLESSLY IN LF_PINBOX_PUT_PINS WHILE HOLDING LOCK_THREAD_COUNT

An infinite thread loop could develop within Performance Schema, 
causing the server to become unresponsive. (Bug #13898343)

See changelog

First of all try disabling performance_schema

Hope his helps