Mysql – Incremental backups using MySQL Workbench


I need to start doing regular backups of my databases, and I'd like them to be incremental; that is, only backing up the tables that have been changed. I use MySQL Workbench, and I've used the export function in the past, which works well enough, but I can't seem to find a way to make it incremental and not re-backup the entirety of every database every time. I've got about 90 schemas in total. Any help at all is much appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

To be frank, if you are using a GUI tool as your backup strategy, you are doing it wrong. Backups need to be scripted, automated, and regularly tested or else you might as well not have them. If your database is very small (a few gigabytes), there is no point in doing incremental backups: backup the entire database with mysqldump and use binary logs in statement format for point in time recovery, or using a slave, shut down the slave an archive the binary files (cold backup).

If you are using InnoDB and really need incrementals, there is Xtrabackup from Percona or innodbhotbackup.

Xtrabackup is a great tool which I highly recommend. It will perform true incremental backups with minimal impact to the server.