MySQL – Troubleshooting Incomplete Mysqldump Backups


I'm trying to run mysqldump to create a database snapshot, and I'm finding it will randomly stop midway, without reporting any error. My database is relatively small (about 100MB) and is using InnoDB.

I'm running it like:

mysqldump --force --single-transaction --quick --user myuser --password=mypass -h mydatabasehost mydb > /tmp/snapshot.sql

Checking the exit code reports 0.

My version is: mysqldump Ver 10.13 Distrib 5.1.52, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386)

I've seen some similar posts and even an official bug report, but neither solutions seem to apply.

How to I get mysqldump to take a complete database snapshot?

EDIT: My database currently resides on Amazon's RDS.

Best Answer

It may have been a problem with max_allowed_packet not being set high enough on both the client (i.e. mysqldump) and the server (i.e. Amazon RDS). I set this to 500M on both and that seems to have fixed the problem.

Since InnoDB's information schema tables only give row count estimates, it's hard to tell if my snapshot truly includes everything from RDS. All the tables are there, but the row counts differ. I'll update with a more definitive answer when I have some time to script a more thorough analysis.