MySQL – Identify Slow Query Without Slow Query Logs


I am wondering is there any other way to to check our slow queries without logging slow query. Suppose, I have a highily busy server can't afford to log much to save memory and I/Os. Then, is there any other way available to check if I have a slow query? I know, we can do profiling of the query but still not sure what exactly to do to identify which query is the one taking most of the time and memory.

Just started mysql administration and not sure how to handle this. Any guidance will be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

If you do not want to enable the slow query log at all, I have a suggestion

You can use pt-query-digest over an interval of time.

I have suggested this a few times in the DBA StackExchange

If you look at my Nov 24, 2011 link, I provided a shell script you can crontab to launch pt-query-digest.