Mysql – How to update primary key table based on foreign key with ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE


I have a users table with autoincrement id as primary key, and unique key on email. The email and name fields are from facebook.

| id | email | name |

And a facebook users table,

| userId | fbUserId |

The userId in the facebook table will be a foreign key value, referencing id in the users table. The fbUserId is guaranteed to be unique by facebook. The reason I split these tables up is I plan to have more social logins in the future, and I'm trying make my schema future proof. Each additional table would also have a userId, linking it back to users.

Right now my insert update query is this

    VALUES (0,?,?);

    INSERT IGNORE INTO users_facebook
    (userId, fbUserId)

From what i understand, ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE only applies to a single row in a single table. What i'd like to do is if email or name is different for an existing fbUserId, i'd like to update the changed fields. How would i do this?

Also, any thoughts on my current query? I'm quite new to mysql.

Best Answer

Read the comments in the manual on this page The technique involves id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id) in the UPDATE clause.

Also near the end of the section on the function: