Mysql – How to transpose/convert rows as columns in thesql


I have table structures like below
Subjects Table

      | id | C_Id | G_Id | status | subject |
      |  1 |   13 |    4 |      1 | Telugu  |
      |  2 |   13 |    4 |      1 | Hindi   |
      |  3 |   13 |    4 |      1 | English |
      |  4 |   13 |    4 |      1 | Maths   |
      |  5 |   13 |    4 |      1 | Physics |
      |  6 |   13 |    4 |      1 | Biology |
      |  7 |   13 |    4 |      1 | Social  |

      | id | Cid | Gid | Examid | rollno | subId | Marks | paper |
      |  1 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      1 |     1 | 14.50 |     1 |
      |  2 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      2 |     1 | 12.00 |     1 |
      |  3 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      1 |     2 | 13.00 |     1 |
      |  4 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      2 |     2 | 15.00 |     1 |
      |  5 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      1 |     3 | 16.00 |     1 |
      |  6 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      2 |     3 | 18.00 |     1 |
      |  7 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      1 |     4 | 19.00 |     1 |
      |  8 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      2 |     4 | 23.00 |     1 |
      |  9 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      1 |     5 | 21.00 |     1 |
      | 10 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      2 |     5 | 24.00 |     1 |
      | 11 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      1 |     6 | 20.00 |     1 |
      | 12 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      2 |     6 | 19.00 |     1 |
      | 13 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      1 |     7 | 20.00 |     1 |
      | 14 |  13 |   4 |      1 |      2 |     7 | 21.00 |     1 |
      | 15 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      1 |     1 | 45.00 |     2 |
      | 16 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      2 |     1 | 40.00 |     2 |
      | 17 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      1 |     1 | 32.00 |     3 |
      | 18 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      2 |     1 | 33.00 |     3 |
      | 19 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      1 |     2 | 80.00 |     1 |
      | 20 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      2 |     2 | 89.00 |     1 |
      | 21 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      1 |     3 | 39.00 |     2 |
      | 22 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      2 |     3 | 38.00 |     2 |
      | 23 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      1 |     3 | 41.00 |     3 |
      | 24 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      2 |     3 | 45.00 |     3 |
      | 25 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      1 |     4 | 34.00 |     2 |
      | 26 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      2 |     4 | 38.00 |     2 |
      | 27 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      1 |     4 | 32.00 |     3 |
      | 28 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      2 |     4 | 33.00 |     3 |
      | 29 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      1 |     5 | 31.00 |     1 |
      | 30 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      2 |     5 | 34.00 |     1 |
      | 31 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      1 |     6 | 33.00 |     1 |
      | 32 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      2 |     6 | 31.00 |     1 |
      | 33 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      1 |     7 | 35.00 |     2 |
      | 34 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      2 |     7 | 31.00 |     2 |
      | 35 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      1 |     7 | 43.00 |     3 |
      | 36 |  13 |   4 |      2 |      2 |     7 | 38.00 |     3 |

So Far I have wrote the code

select ta.rollno,
max(case when s.subject = 'Telugu' AND tm.paper=1 then tm.Marks end) Telugu,
max(case when s.subject = 'Telugu' AND tm.paper=2 then tm.Marks end) Telugu1,
max(case when s.subject = 'Telugu' AND tm.paper=3 then tm.Marks end) Telugu2,
max(case when s.subject = 'Hindi' AND tm.paper=1 then tm.Marks end) Hindi,
max(case when s.subject = 'Hindi' AND tm.paper=2 then tm.Marks end) Hindi1,
max(case when s.subject = 'Hindi' AND tm.paper=3 then tm.Marks end) Hindi2,
max(case when s.subject = 'English' AND tm.paper=1 then tm.Marks end) English,
max(case when s.subject = 'English' AND tm.paper=2 then tm.Marks end) English1,
max(case when s.subject = 'English' AND tm.paper=3 then tm.Marks end) English2,
max(case when s.subject = 'Maths' AND tm.paper=1 then tm.Marks end) Maths,
max(case when s.subject = 'Maths' AND tm.paper=2 then tm.Marks end) Maths1,
max(case when s.subject = 'Maths' AND tm.paper=3 then tm.Marks end) Maths2,
max(case when s.subject = 'Physics' AND tm.paper=1 then tm.Marks end) Physics,
max(case when s.subject = 'Physics' AND tm.paper=2 then tm.Marks end) Physics1,
max(case when s.subject = 'Physics' AND tm.paper=3 then tm.Marks end) Physics2,
max(case when s.subject = 'Biology' AND tm.paper=1 then tm.Marks end) Biology,
max(case when s.subject = 'Biology' AND tm.paper=2 then tm.Marks end) Biology1,
max(case when s.subject = 'Biology' AND tm.paper=3 then tm.Marks end) Biology2,
max(case when s.subject = 'Social' AND tm.paper=1 then tm.Marks end) Social,
max(case when s.subject = 'Social' AND tm.paper=2 then tm.Marks end) Social1,
max(case when s.subject = 'Social' AND tm.paper=3 then tm.Marks end) Social2
FROM tbl_cmarks tm
INNER JOIN tbl_classes tc
 ON tm.Cid = tc.C_Id
INNER JOIN tbl_admission ta
 ON ta.rollno = tm.rollno
INNER JOIN tbl_subjects s
 on tm.subId =
where tm.Cid = 13 
and tm.Examid=2
group by  ta.rollno

Here in my script i am passing the subjects Names as hard Coded But in future we don't know how many subjects will have in Class 13
where should i change in my query to pass the subject Ids instead of Subject Names and that too not as hard coded.

Can i take all subject Ids for Particular Class into a variable and pass in the Max(Case) statement.? Is it possible?

Please review my code and give me a clue/help, to do work this code.

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

In order to do that you have to use dynamic SQL.

To simplify things on the client side it's better to wrap it in a stored procedure. In your case such procedure might look like

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_exam(IN _cid INT, IN _examid INT)
    SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = (7 * 1024);

    SET @sql = NULL;

               'MAX(CASE WHEN m.subid = ', subid,
               ' AND m.paper = ', paper, 
               ' THEN m.marks END) ', subject, paper))
      INTO @sql
      FROM tbl_cmarks m JOIN tbl_subjects s 
        ON m.subid =
     WHERE cid = _cid
       AND examid = _examid;

    SET @sql = CONCAT(
                 'SELECT a.rollno, a.stdnm, ', @sql,  
                  ' FROM tbl_cmarks m JOIN tbl_admission a
                      ON m.rollno = a.rollno 
                   WHERE m.cid = ', _cid, 
                   ' AND m.examid = ', _examid,
                 ' GROUP BY a.rollno, a.stdnm');

    PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
    EXECUTE stmt;

Note: JOINs with tbl_classes and tbl_subjects have been removed since you don't fetch anything from the former and you don't need later for conditional grouping (ids used instead).

Then on client side you just do

CALL sp_exam(13, 2);

Sample output:

|      1 | Student 1 |      45 |      32 |     80 |       39 |       41 |     34 |     32 |       31 |       33 |      35 |      43 |
|      2 | Student 2 |      40 |      33 |     89 |       38 |       45 |     38 |     33 |       34 |       31 |      31 |      38 |

Here is SQLFiddle demo