Mysql – How to split a list of number into ranges with a fixed interval with SQL


Let's say I have a table like this

enter image description here

I want to calculate the frequency ( How many times that product exists in that price range ), in intervals of "50"

So eventually it will give me a table like

enter image description here

Interval for range will be lets pretend a fixed 50
We don't know highest and lowest price of these each products.

So I will run the query and it will give a table as shown above.

I got a query like this but it didn't work. It gives this error ( I cannot edit server config )

This is the query

select product, count(*) as frequency,
       floor(price / 50) as range_start, floor(price / 50) + 50 as range_end
from t 
group by product, floor(price / 50)
order by product, min(price)

This is the error

 [42000][1055] Expression #4 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'price' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

After that I tried this ( changed floor(price / 50) to floor(min(price) / 50)

select product, count(*) as frequency,
       floor(min(price) / 50) as range_start, floor(min(price) / 50) + 50 as range_end
from t 
group by product, floor(price / 50)
order by product, min(price)

This query worked but it gives ranges like

enter image description here

Best Answer

select product, count(*) as frequency,
       50 * floor(price / 50) as range_start,
       50 * (floor(price / 50) + 1) as range_end
group by product, 50 * floor(price / 50), 50 * (floor(price / 50) + 1)
order by product, min(price)