Mysql – How to show warnings when loading data created from thesqldump


I've got a large .sql file with large insert into … values … statements. Many of these statements are generating warnings during execution. How can I get mysql to print the warnings?

If it hit control-C then the import stops and I'm dropped back to the OS command line.

Here is sample output from running the SQL:

Query OK, 9827 rows affected, 5403 warnings (0.20 sec)
Records: 9827  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 5403

Query OK, 9859 rows affected, 5247 warnings (0.20 sec)
Records: 9859  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 5247

Best Answer

You should startup mysqld with log-warnings (it should be on by default) and also the max error count


You may have to start the mysql client with


This is not mysqld setting, it's a mysql client session setting.

You may want to add show-warnings to mysql client session

mysql -u... -p -hlocalhost --show-warnings