Mysql – How to retrieve data from a table with two of the columns in the table with the same value


UserName, UserID, FollowingUserID
'RachelLim', '1003', '1004'
'YunaKim', '1005', '1007'
'AustinLee', '1007', '1005'
'BenChoi', '1010', '1001'
'RebeccaFang', '1009', '1004'
'AliceAng', '1004', '1003'

Basically, i want to find rows in which userid = followinguserid. How do i do it using select?

Best Answer

You can use SELF JOIN to get result

select t1.* 
from my_table as t1
join my_table as t2 on t1.userid = t2.followinguserid