MySQL Views – How to Mimic a Full Outer Join Using MySQL Views


I have all kinds of views in mysql with employee data. I have tried to use methods like this – but they simply don't work for views.

I end up getting more of a LEFT JOIN as a result. Is there a way to merge two views without including duplicates in mysql – I am currently using a 4 view process to duplicate this.

Best Answer

Simulation of FULL OUTER JOIN:

( SELECT ... FROM a LEFT JOIN b ON ... ) -- Intersection, plus rest of b
UNION ALL  -- There will be no overlap; ALL is faster
( SELECT ... FROM b LEFT JOIN a ON ... WHERE IS NULL ) -- Just rest of a

(The link given is less efficient because it gets the Intersection twice, then dedups by doing UNION DISTINCT.)

If you need a FULL OUTER JOIN between more than 2 tables, then it gets messier. (But you did not ask for that.)