Mysql – how to install thesql on mac

clientinstallationmac os xmysql-5.5

My Mac runs Mac OS X, version 10.7.5., so it's a 64 bit system.

First, I downloaded mysql-5.5.28-osx10.6-x86_64.dmg.

Then I double clicked mysql-5.5.28-osx10.6-x86_64.dmg, it's mounted, and shows

  1. mysql-5.5.28-osx10.6-x86_64.pkg -> I double-clicked it to run, after clicked buttons a few times it's said to be successfully installed. However, I could not see anything in Applications.

  2. MySqlStartupItem.pkg -> I double-clicked to run, also successfully done. However, I still could not see anything in Applications.

  3. MySQL.prefPane -> I double-clicked it to run. Now I see a window jumped out, with a button Start/Stop MySQL Server, I clicked it, now it says "The MySQL Server Instance is running".

I'm a bit lost here:

Q1. Why until now there's nothing in the Applications? I can't see any item or folder like mysql there. Is it that every time I want to run mysql, I have to mount the installation package?

Q2. What did MySQLStartupItem.pkg install?

Q3. Are there any client side tools inside the installation package? I mean, for example, Microsoft SQL Server for Windows, there are Microsoft SQL Server; and there are Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, which serves as a client tool to browse databases and doing queries; also, if I download "Microsoft SQL Server Express with Tools" package, it will install both. Does mysql-5.5.28-osx10.6-x86_64.dmg contain only the server, or also a client tool inside?

Best Answer

MySQL installs the database engine. Which you run and start from the terminal/bash/shell.

You will need to download the MySQL workbench for a GUI.

phpmMyAdmin is another choice which runs in the browser.

Sounds like you have MySQL installed. You just need to setup a GUI now.

Q1. why until now there's nothing in the applications? I can't see any item or folder like mysql there. is it that every time i want to run mysql, i have to mount the installation package?

A1: The dB engine is installed you have to start and stop it using terminal window.

shell> sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM start
shell> sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM stop

Q2. what does MySQLStartupItem.pkg installed?

A2: The Startup Item installation adds a variable MYSQLCOM=-YES- to the system configuration file /etc/hostconfig.

Q3. Is there any client side tools inside the installation package? I mean, for example, Microsoft SQL Server for Windows, there are Microsoft SQL Server; and there are Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, which serves as a client tool to browse databases and doing queries; also, if i download "Microsoft SQL Server Express with Tools" package, it will install both. does "mysql-5.5.28-osx10.6-x86_64.dmg" contains only the server, or also a client tool inside?

A3: Lots. phpMyAdmin for browser. And MySQLWorkBench equal to SQL Server Management Studio (Browse dB's and other objects)