Mysql – How to increase fast backup and restore of 500GB database using thesqldump


There is a database A size of 500GB. Tables in database A contains both MyISAM and INNODB tables. MyISAM tables are master tables and Innodb tables are main transaction tables.

Backup and restore using mysql dump taking quit a long time or days.

  • max_allowed_packet=1G
  • foreign_key_checks=0
  • auto_commit = off

Best Answer

But the link also recommends XtraBackup from Percona, which is faster, no locks on tables that are already in use and gains no time for restoration. For 500GB of data I prefer Percona XtraBackup to be quick and efficient unless you want to convert them to innodb_file_per_table model if it wasn't from the existing DB server. Below link explains on how to proceed.